A bike fit is a uniquely personal service, where the goal is to improve your comfort, power output, and help prevent injury. Given the individual nature of a fit, I will work with you to identify your particular needs, issues, and desires to improve the biking experience. Whether you plan to race, ride recreationally, or are brand new to biking you can benefit from having a properly fit bike. Every person has unique, measurements, skeletal structure, joint mobility, muscular anatomy and capability. Therefore, you may have a bike that can be much improved by small changes. Additionally, how your bike fits is constantly changing. As you become a more capable biker, as your conditioning changes, as your style of riding changes, you will benefit from a new bike fit.
If you are a competitive biker who is looking to upgrade to a new frame, or if don’t own a bike but would like to get, now is the perfect time to get fit. There are myriad options of bike frames with widely varying geometries. It can be quite difficult to narrow down the choices, and I can precisely fit you on a custom fit bike and recommend which bike frame to buy. Once you’ve purchased it, I will then be happy to set the bike up to the previously identified fit coordinates.
I focus primarily on road and tri bike fits and following are some notes on what to expect in the fit session:
I can cater the fit based on whether you are looking for a better fit on your existing bike or are looking to purchase a new bike.
- The fit session will last approximately 3 hours.
- If you already have a bike, I’ll have you bring that with you. I have a highly customizable Fit Bike that we will use to determine your ideal fit. Once the ideal fit is identified on the Fit Bike, I will evaluate you current bike for any required changes. but I also like to see you ride your current bike on the trainer.
- Wear cycling clothes and bring your bike shoes. Plan to do a fair amount of riding at a moderate effort throughout the session.
- We’ll start the session with getting some background info on your biking and other athletic activities, injuries, experience, etc.
I will then:
- Assess your flexibility
- Evaluate your current fit
- Work through a methodical fitting process on a dedicated Fit Bike to arrive at the best fit coordinates for you
- Adjust your existing bike to the extent possible to match your best fit coordinates
- Evaluate cleat position on your shoes and adjust as appropriate
- After the session is completed, I will send you a comprehensive form containing all of your fit parameters from the session that you can use in the future. I will also use the ideal parameters that we determine from the Fit Bike to recommend any parts you may need to purchase to improve the fit of your current bike and/or a list of new frames that are a good match for your fit parameters.